Строительство » Tips for driving a front -wheel drive
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Tips for driving a front -wheel drive

  • 20-02-2019, 19:55

Tips for driving a front -wheel drive

What you need to know

A feature of the car with the front -wheel drive, the price of an error in which can cost expensive, is that on the road it behaves not like everything. You understand this when you drive a slippery road in winter. The car becomes incredibly sensitive to the slightest movement of the steering wheel. There is such a thing as the self -return of the steering wheel, when the wheels, by inertia, accept the direction of movement. For machines with front -wheel drive, this moment is not always stable, t. To. Feedback is valid on the wheels. If an increase in speed occurs sharply, then when turning, the wheels are trying to return to the original, straightforward direction. There is a feeling of "light steering" and the car enters. In other words, if the leading, the front wheels begin to slip, the car becomes simply uncontrollable. Sometimes, even an experienced driver, unable to cope in such a dangerous situation. Therefore, if you drive along a slippery road, select such a speed mode so that the car does not make accelerations and does not get into the slip mode, then the clutch with the road will be maximum.

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