Строительство » Eliminate scratches on glass (using a paste with an abrasive)
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Eliminate scratches on glass (using a paste with an abrasive)

  • 18-09-2018, 12:33

Eliminate scratches on glass (using a paste with an abrasive)

Scratch on glass - like a snorka in the eye: interferes! Scratches arise during the operation of the car: the flight of small pebbles, or from the body in front of the drive, something "wolled" about your windshield. Actually, the reason is no longer important, since the consequence of the cause is important. But what to do: do not buy new windshield because of a slight flaw?! Indeed, most of the most money just does not have this. Yes, and you will not have to spend money, because after reading the article to the end, you will be able to independently eliminate small scratches. So, how is it done correctly? In any car shop we buy, we buy special polishing paste for glasses. The cost of such a polish is a penny. It is best if the paste is with an abrasive, which includes a cerium. But if this is not caught my eye, pastes are suitable, with an abrasive oxide of iron or chromium. Now this: I carefully wash the windshield and let it dry. We cover the car body with polyethylene so that the pasta does not fall on it (there may be a trace). We take the paste and apply it to the scratch. For polishing, we use either a polishing hand machine, or, if there is no one, we take a clean soft rag and begin the "shaman" dance: the polishing process! Make sure that the paste completely covers the scratched places. I will say right away: if the glass was covered with small scratches, then you can easily handle them. If the scratches are larger, then it is better to use a polishing machine to save time and effort to save time and effort. By the way: there is a great advantage in the typewriter - a series of special nozzles that polish the damaged glass surface better. As a result, you should get a perfectly clean and transparent glass surface! About the fact that the paste contains an abrasive that can scratch the glass even more. Nothing of the kind will happen, since the size of abrasive particles is very small. In addition, the abrasive fills and eliminates small scratches, as if washing them from the glass! After the end of the process - take a piece of felt and walk again on the surface of the glass, leading shine. Good luck!

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