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Repair of vacuum pumps to enhance speed »Nissan Sunny Club

  • 17-12-2018, 20:14

Repair of vacuum pumps to enhance speed »Nissan Sunny Club

Surely, every car owner of the Audi cars at least once, but faces a problem such as the emergence of unexpected tightness of the brake pedal. So, then we will consider how to deal with such a problem, the repair of vacuum pumps precisely reinforcing the brake. First of all, it is worth clarifying what is vacuum technique. This is the interaction of many methods and equipment that are used, what would receive, support and control vacuum. Vacuum pumps are the most reliable. Regarding vacuum brake strengthening pumps, their main problem, this is the possibility of wear of the diaphragm in the valves (this pump). The main tools that will be required during the repair: key (13); set of keys (stars); one flat screwdriver; dremel or a knife-hab from metal; a chisel that has a radius of 10-15 mm; one hammer; a file; pliers; material (for polishing ).It is worth noting that in the manufacture of the diaphragm, it is necessary to use foil fabric. Repair of vacuum pumps of reinforcement of the brake should be performed in the following sequence: it is necessary to weaken the clamp (on the rubber pipe) as much as possible, and the key must be used (13) when removing the pump (13). Then unscrew the two nuts that fasten it to the GBC. Unleashed the pump using a star -shaped key; determine the valve that you will repair; cut one arc; then pull out the old diaphragm, do not lose a small spring when unscrewed; then, you need to cut a new aperture from a foil of the fiberglass, which has a 13mm radius; about polishing, just remember that the working side at the end was smooth and even; put the diaphragm in place; we compress the arc with pliers; we collect the pump and put it in place; we wish you good luck!

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